Hoke County Commissioner Hopeful, Lent Carr believes we need to manage growth in a thoughtful, compassionate, and legally comprehensive way. Hoke County, North Carolina must improve its roads, provide more transportation choices, and work closely with neighboring cities and towns to plan for our future growth in order to solve our transportation challenges. Moreover with the growth prospects ahead for The Buck citizenry, I also believe that Hoke County's Commissioners should find creative ways in "job creation" for its citizenry. Including Hoke's struggling Farmers. I do not believe it is wise nor responsible to wait for the Federal Government to find a solution for our local job crisis. We must focus on the heaviest hit areas of job loss in Hoke and provide a comprehensive, but responsible stimulus antidote in order to cure this unemployment disaster.
It would be remiss for me as your candidate of change not to highlight the other part of this jobless rate concern in Hoke, specifically the poorest segments of Hoke County; when I received complaints from my constituent base regarding construction jobs that are viable and potential jobs for those persons who are legally citizens of this Country, be it blacks, whites or hispanics...I find it appalling that some of our current Commissioners has through the years utilized construction companies who consistently donate to their respective re-election campaigns (pay to play), and those companies and the powers that be would permit undocumented workers to secure these type jobs when they are legally not eligible to work in the Triangle, and whereas those persons legally eligible cannot find jobs in that career area due to the permitting "blind eyed" official's un-official ratification. Immigrant workers should be allowed to secure employment in Hoke County only if they are legally documented and have gone through the necessary legal channels as so many others who've sought citizenship. Taking this approach will inevitably boost our local economy and employment rates. Not to mention putting those persons displaced from their homes, ways of life and employment back to work right here in Hoke due to the Global Pandemic of Covid-19. In short, Carr believes that creating jobs and improving our local economy is a top priority. By keeping taxes low, implementing business-friendly processes, and making it easy to attract outside investment, the County of Hoke can create jobs for our citizens and the many people who are moving to our beautiful area.
All Rights Reserved by: Committee to Elect Lent Carr Hoke County Commissioner 2022